4 Infusion Channels- Simplified
I.V. pole mounted or portable,the Quadro multi therapy pump is ideally suited for emergency medicine including air/ground ambulances, and hospital ICU’s. Quadro can infuse simultaneously from each of its
4 channels with a potential 4.8Liter/hour rapid infusion.The Quadro is essentially your cost effective multi-therapy pump that simplifies the workload, even in the most challenging environments.

Deliver 4 separate treatment regimens
using one keypad only.
• Continuous
• 25-Steps
• Intermittent
• Dose
Delivers ± 5 % accuracy and 1.8μl linear infusion even at low flow rates.
Extra-wide range to serve a variety of
infusion regimens.
Over 20 languages available to meet your needs and preferences.
Prevents delivery of false boluses following a downstream occlusion event.
Uses extended life rechargeable Li-Polymer battery for true portability.Switches to AC power without interruption.
Prevent unauthorized program changes.
Only 800 g.Goes where the patient goes and saves you precious space in the ward/clinic.